
The Nagaoka MP-500 phonograph cartridge offers the highest musical and creative expression of the new MP series. It expertly extracts and reproduces with vivid, colorful and dimensional clarity what others miss. Meet our little friend - the Nagaoka MP-500 phonograph cartridge - the master of the grooves.
Type: Moving permalloy
Cantilever: High-strengh Boron
Stylus type: Superfine line contact diam
Weight: 8 g
Output voltage @ 1kHz,5cm/sec: 3mV
Frequency response: 20Hz-25kHz
Channel balance @ 1kHz: > 1dB
Channel separation @ 1kHz: > 27dB
Recommended loading: 47k ohms
Dynamic compliance: 8.5 x 10-6 cm/dyne
Tracking force range: 1.3 - 1.8 g
Stylus replacement: Nagaoka JN-P500
The Nagaoka MP-500 phonograph cartridge offers the highest musical and creative expression of the new MP series. It expertly extracts and reproduces with vivid, colorful and dimensional clarity what others miss. Meet our little friend - the Nagaoka MP-500 phonograph cartridge - the master of the grooves.
Type: Moving permalloy
Cantilever: High-strengh Boron
Stylus type: Superfine line contact diam
Weight: 8 g
Output voltage @ 1kHz,5cm/sec: 3mV
Frequency response: 20Hz-25kHz
Channel balance @ 1kHz: > 1dB
Channel separation @ 1kHz: > 27dB
Recommended loading: 47k ohms
Dynamic compliance: 8.5 x 10-6 cm/dyne
Tracking force range: 1.3 - 1.8 g
Stylus replacement: Nagaoka JN-P500
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